
Monday, February 11, 2019

What is Knowledge?

With knowledge, there is an aloneness. The spectators
become fewer as they, too, seek their own paths to 
knowledge.  And, one day, you awaken to this reality 
that the more one learns, the more solitary one 
becomes. And, it’s just the way it is meant to be.

With knowledge, there is a No-Turning-Back Highway.  
Knowledge itself cannot be removed from the mind or the 
psyche. With knowledge, there is a self-perception 
of ownership. This is my knowledge.  

I can share my knowledge, but it is not the same if I give it to you.  After 
all, it is now and was my knowledge. Take it if you want, but when you do, 
it will be new knowledge for you.

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

What Words Influence Your Life?


Many years ago, I put a few quotes into a picture frame that I kept on my desk.  
It could have held seven small photos, but I wanted words of wisdom instead.

I came across this frame recently and reflected on how these words had influenced 
my life in one way or another, either in how I viewed other people and events, or how 
I viewed myself in the scheme of being.  Here are these guiding words. I am not sure 
of the original authors’ names.

On Relationships:
  • How is that working out for you?
  • How is that working out for me?
Actions Have Consequences:
  • All deeds return three-fold.
  • What goes around, comes around.
Helping One Another:
  • A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle.
Mind & Body Connection:
  • Scarcity and deprivation always increase desire.
Having a Plan B:
  • Always expect a train.
Last, but not in the frame, I have used this phrase so much that people have told me, 
“You sure say this a lot.”  Yes, I know. We all have redundancies in our word usage. 
There is a reason for clichés.

On Life Activities:
  • If it’s not one thing, it’s another.