
Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Propaganda Fuels Hatred--Again
Recently, I was pumping gas and noticed these 
“business cards”lying on the ground around the 
pump areas.  I was appalled and frightened that 
such beliefs continue to permeate our world.  
Have we forgotten?

I will not go into an in-depth discussion of the writings
on the cards (front and back shown).  Each one of us 
will have a unique perspective on how these words can
tear the fabric of our Nation--again.  I welcome comments.
My only fear is that by placing these words on
Facebook, it will only help spread the hatred.  That is not my intention.
I just could not ignore the implications. We can no longer turn a blind 
eye to ignorance and injustice.    

There is a saying that people should “keep their friends close,
but keep their enemies closer.”  It is human nature to desire
living in peace.  And, it is easier to take the mindset that one
person does not have the power to make changes except in
each person’s immediate environment.
This is exactly what evil is looking for--apathy--to infiltrate
society and take control.  Over time, the peaceful are
exterminated in one way or another and the power-hungry
will rule the nation.

Following the Holocaust, in 1946, Pastor Martin Niemoller
presented the following poem he wrote to remind people
that we all must stand-up and defend each other.  To not
do so, makes us guilty of the evil as well--and can lead to
our own individual and collective demises.

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.


Latz, Rabbi Michael Adam. (2019).  First They Came.  [Online Blog].

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Looking Out My Window

This morning, I was standing at the sink and looking out the window. The weather over the last few years has been rough on the backyard. The sheets of plastic placed over lawn items have deteriorated and are falling-off in strips and pieces.

The cats were outside and roaming about the backyard. A very enterprising bird darted just out of reach of the felines, grabbed a long strip of plastic sheeting, and flew to the highest tree top. It happened so fast!

After I thought about the snatch-and-fly event, I realized that even the birds are getting tired of the rain and cold. On the other hand, Spring must be close because the birds are feathering, or "plastic-lining," their nests.

The day is still gray, but soon we humans will be complaining about the heat....

Tuesday, March 5, 2019


Was Granny Right, Or What?

Grandmother said there are three things a person does not discuss 
in polite company: politics, religion, and another word that begins 
with an ‘s’ (sex).  She couldn’t even say the word.

Today, I took a glance at my horoscope on Yahoo.

“Do your best to avoid conversations about politics, religion, or 
any other potentially volatile topics today.”

Say, What?!

Saturday, March 2, 2019

How Do You Salt Your Oats?

No matter what age a person may be, no one wants to be told what to do.  In fact, when confronted with the truth, humans will cling to their false beliefs instead.  So, how does a teacher, counselor, or giver-of-advice steer misguided individuals to manifest appropriate beliefs and behaviors?

Many years ago, we teachers attended an outdoor training session at a horse corral.  The presenter was an old cowboy who used his horse to explain the effective process of teaching others.  

The cowboy expanded upon an old saying which still applies to us all even in today’s world:  
“You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink.  But, you can put enough salt in its oats so that it has to.”  

Perhaps we stop short of completing the transference process.  Yes, we can offer words of knowledge, but we fail to give ownership for the other person to find awareness on his or her own terms.  

In truth, all we can do as educators is salt the environment with wisdom and let each
learner walk the path on his or her own time-frame.