Words of wisdom often appear in the most unlikely places. A person
needs to be receptive and willing to “see” beyond the concrete world.
As I was doing my usual channel-surfing, these wise words
caught my attention. Think of the greater picture and
open-up to how these insights can be applied to other situations.
On Facts vs. Fiction:
“Science doesn’t lie, but people do.”
TV ad - 5/22/2019
On Forgiving, but Unable to Let It Go:
“It’s not that it is so easy to remember; it’s just so hard to forget.”
“Secrets of the Morgue” E121 / 3/30/2019
Investigator describing death of college student,
Katherine Foster,Mobile, Alabama University
It’s Over and Cannot Be Fixed:
“Like a bandage on an amputated leg.”
“10 Streets that Changed America”
7/10/2018 - Speaker re: Street &
Mall & Cars