
Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The Argonauts Jason & Medea

The words all around us can take on different meanings when we least expect it.  I love Greek myths and I acquired an old, over-sized, water-damaged book.  It is a book for children, but, like animated stories and movies today, there are words for adults only.

For the sake of not losing the original impact, here is the passage:

"...Circe was a dangerous sorceress who amused herself by changing men who came to her island into the animal nearest the nature of each man.  Some became lions, some rabbits, but most of them were changed into pigs and asses."


D'Aulaire, Ingri and Edgar Parin.  (1962).  Book of Greek Myths.  New York, NY:  Bantam Doubleday Dell PublishingGroup, Inc.