
Sunday, January 12, 2020

Five Ways to Find Your Passion in Life

This is Part 1 of a three-part exploration into Passion, Fire, and Magic as presented in Amy Cesari’s Book of Shadows Coloring Sheets for Beltane (May Day) Tarot:

Passion Defined

Passion could be defined as an almost irrepressible emotion, perhaps divine in inspiration, leading to stellar creativity and joy. Passion can also cause pain,
as well as, pleasure. But, all the while, passion must be expressed even if it
produces agony and/or exhilaration.

Passion is not just a romantic notion of uniting as one with another being. It is about uniting with one's self. Passion is derived from experiencing a heightened awareness of purpose and drive.

It is appropriate that true passion is associated with intensity of light. Light is 
life-giving power, moving us all forward to greater moments in life and living. 
Passion is about exuding energy and vibrancy. 

Five Ways to Find Your Passion

1. Look back over your life interests, even from your childhood. Identify the people, places, events, and things that captured your interest--time and time again. 

Make a list of these interests. Ask yourself if you would feel loss if that interest was taken away from you.

2. Now, make a list of things you really hate doing. Compare the two lists. Focus your attention on what specifically you liked--even when you were doing something you did not particularly want to do. 

3. Ask yourself: What makes me feel good doing? Your lifework should have some of the components to those childhood joys you experienced, but left behind, because you had to act like the adult you became. 

4. Seek-out people who share your similar interests and passions. People love to talk about themselves, so ask how they achieved their passions. Learn from their experiences and fashion goals for yourself.

5. Go ahead--do it! Seek your passion. At first, you may have to engage your passionate interests in baby-steps. Treat it as a hobby or week-end get-a-way from responsibilities. Having a few moments of seeking your passion and interests--however small--will make obligations much easier to endure.


Burn-Callander, Rebecca.  (2015, Mar 27).  Eight ways to find the passion in life 
that has eluded you.   Retrieved from

Cesari, Amy.  (2019).  Passion, Fire, and Magic.                                                                            Retrieved from Amy Cesari's Coloring Book of Shadows for Beltane Tarot 
Coloring Page.

Raab, PhD, Diana.  (2017, Jun 12).  What's your passion?  Research shows that 
tapping into your life passions can lead to happiness.  Retrieved from

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